Buffalo Rising Article 1/23/14http://buffalorising.com/2014/01/forsynthia-fits-in-playtime-troubles/
Jan 23, 2014 Posted by Queenseyes In Arts Local Author, Rachel DiNunzio, has released her second children’s book as part of her Forsynthia Fits In series. The theme behind the series revolves around a young female dragon as she goes about figuring out how she fits in at her new school – an issue that just about every child can identify with, and some more than others. Having a role model like Forsynthia, who explores the unfamiliar territories that seem frightening to elementary-school-age children, could be just what the doctor ordered… like having a security blanket or an imaginary friend (who might not be so imaginary in this case). “These books are as much fun to write as they are to illustrate!” DiNunzio says, “Having a green dragon with purple spots as your main character, allows every little one to connect and relate to her.” Forsynthia Fits In: Playtime Troubles will be released in paperback and ebook on Friday, January 31st along with a four-day FREE digital download promo for the first book! For more information, and to download/purchase the book, you can visit studio radish press. Or visit them on facebook. Following is a short interview with the author: Is Studio RADish your company? Yes Studio RADish Press is my company. What inspired you to come up with this series? I’m a 24 year old Buffalo native. My love for books goes back as far as I can remember. My mom always had books in the house and my brother and I always had our own bookshelf filled with knowledge. We would go to the library weekly and be allowed to take out as many books as we pleased- for me I always loved any non-fiction nature book so that I could become an expert on a topic as well as draw from all the pictures! When it came to going to school, with the help of my family, I chose to take the leap and go to art school at RIT. There, my professors helped me find Illustration and Typography. I’d like to say “this is where I discovered my passion for creating books.” but it was more like coming home: a kind of a realization that I was doing something that was natural to me, something that I truly love. The world of typography helped me to research and better understand how the design of a single character effects an early reader’s retention, communication, recognition, and therefore their ability to make learning connections. This is why I use a special type in all my books that is specifically developed to ease learning to read. What did you set out to accomplish upon publishing the book? Whether it is with learning, socializing, sports, or just plain fitting in: kids come in all shapes and sizes, and everyone goes through their share of troubles. It just takes the will to tackle these troubles to come out on the other side. This is how Forsynthia Fits In was created. Forsynthia is a combination of every little one in my life as well as my childhood memories and experiences. My goals are to provide materials, stories, and thoughts that can positively influence our little ones. I was beyond fortunate to grow up with a mom who taught me the golden rule of kindness above all else, but also to overcome, take on challenges, and ultimately to become. I’d like to provide these ideas to as many little ones as possible to help them become the best possible version who who they can be. And it is with that vision that I sit down everyday, write, and draw my heart out. What’s next for you and the series? I am working to establish a core of books – the first three of the Forsynthia series, as well as two additional single titles – all that will hopefully be in the hands of readers within 2014! The books will only be available on my website and through Amazon for this launch, however local retail is in my scope to tackle in the next few months : ) |
"Awesome read Rach!! I'm proud of you for just going for it in all you do. Thanks for the inspiration as always ;)"
- Victor "This book [Scarlet's Symphony] has outstanding illustrations and a very cute story about a girl who hears the beauty of natural sounds that become music to her ears."
-Dan "Great story [Scarlet's Symphony] with INCREDIBLE illustrations! I would recommend this book for any parents. Your kids will love exploring the details in every illustration!"
-Justin "This children's book [Scarlet's Symphony] has a really cute story and beautiful, colorful illustrations. The story is full of sounds from animals and nature, and is great for having kids make the noises as you read along."
-Gregory |